
Content Marketing
SEO is not only necessary for your business, it’s one of the greatest investments that you can make. You can think of SEO like investing money in a 401K for your business — it’s money that will gain value over time and remain in your account. Similarly, by investing in SEO you create long-term value...
Coming up with an effective strategy for startups is not an easy task, nonetheless, it is not a rocket science either. Let’s delve deeper into its science. 1. Content Marketing Team, Assemble! You need to begin the process of your content marketing strategy with an effective content team that will be working for you right...
People often interchangeably use these terms, however, each of them varies from the other and has a different meaning. Content Strategy Content strategy refers to managing all the content that you have and reusing or re-purposing successful pieces of content over time. It often goes beyond content marketing, as the dominance of useful and reusable...
It’s not a bird, it’s not a plane, it’s marketing Superman! Why content marketing has unique benefits for startups, and how to use them. If you’re a startup founder, you’ve probably heard of content marketing. It’s everywhere and yet, it’s not a bird (AKA direct sales), it’s not a plane (ads), and it’s definitely not...